第四卷 第一期
Effects of Post-Operative Garment Design on Health Care of Patients with ECG Holter Monitors Study
The purpose of this study was to examine effects of wearing a new Post-Operative Garment, designed withcarrying ECG Holter Monitors on patients’ health care. There are 12 nursing personnel and 18 patients in a hospital in Northern Taiwan were the subjects in this study. Every subject provided feedback in a participated,questionnaire survey and in-depth interview on the effect of Post-Operative Garment. The researchersinvestigated what problems were encountered when wearing and carrying for patients’ designed garmentsand collected ECG data. The findings of this study indicated that the new Post-Operative Garment hadsignificant effects on traditional clothing, based on the satisfaction surveys and patient dignity estimation.More than 88% of the hospitalized patients showed satisfied and preference to the new design. Finally, thestudy confirms that the new Post-Operative Garment help patients in carrying ECG Holter Monitors for 24hours with highly satisfying. In order to take advantage of this new design in better using experience, it’srecommended that hospitals can offer smaller ECG Holter Monitors for patients in future.
Keywords: Post-operative garment, patients’ dignity, ECG Holter Monitor
Simulators' mimetic behaviours with automated simulation tools in wizard of oz study
The purpose of this study was to examine effects of wearing a new Post-Operative Garment, designed with carrying ECG Holter Monitors on patients’ health care. There are 12 nursing personnel and 18 patients in a hospital in Northern Taiwan were the subjects in this study. Every subject provided feedback in a participated, questionnaire survey and in-depth interview on the effect of Post-Operative Garment. The researchers investigated what problems were encountered when wearing and carrying for patients’ designed garments and collected ECG data. The findings of this study indicated that the new Post-Operative Garment had significant effects on traditional clothing, based on the satisfaction surveys and patient dignity estimation. More than 88% of the hospitalized patients showed satisfied and preference to the new design. Finally, the study confirms that the new Post-Operative Garment help patients in carrying ECG Holter Monitors for 24 hours with highly satisfying. In order to take advantage of this new design in better using experience, it’s recommended that hospitals can offer smaller ECG Holter Monitors for patients in future.
Keywords: Post-operative garment, patients’ dignity, ECG Holter Monitor
台灣整體工藝發展以陶藝最具顯著成效,為了解各地區之發展情形,有必要分區進行調查分析,並作深入之探 討。本研究蒐集臺中市陶藝發展文史資料,包括創作、展覽、競賽、典藏,教學及推廣活動等,再以焦點團體邀請 產官學研專家,提供本調查研究之方向與意見,並評選「臺中重要陶藝家」,以進行田野調查訪談。根據 16 位專家 及 69 位重要陶藝家之調查與訪談內容,進行編碼、分析、歸納,整理出臺中陶藝發展現況,包括優勢、特色,待加 強與改進之缺失等,並歸結出研究發展與建議。最後嘗試提出 SWOT 分析,以及「臺中陶藝發展計畫」之在地性思 考與策略展望,希望能夠為臺中陶藝發展提出先期之政策規劃構想,以利後續研究,及未來發展之實踐導向。
蘭嶼在開放觀光後所帶來的垃圾量,已對當地環境造成嚴重破壞。本研究藉由「無用設計」理念,將回收資源賦予新的價值,並轉換成文創商品,吸引遊客購買,讓島上的垃圾在無形中被帶離,減少當地環境負擔。研究結果發現,在無用設計所使用的素材方面,可考慮以玻璃和塑膠為主。而經由集群分析歸納出的四個族群中,「務實導向族」較在意蘭嶼文創商品能否達到綠色標準;「經濟實惠族」則期望蘭嶼文創商品具備文化意涵或圖騰元素;「忠於自我族」偏好蘭嶼文創商品能注入傳統工藝並結合在地圖騰元素;「原創典藏族」喜 好蘭嶼文創商品具備天然素材或可分解材質。透過此研究,讓更多人可以正視蘭嶼的垃圾問題,並為當地的環保生態帶來幫助。